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Meet our Practitioners:

Elena Walmer, LMP

Elena practices massage with a focus on helping people with acute injuries and chronic pain. Her goal is to improve the well-being of every patient she treats by putting her patients first and foremost. She conducts herself professionally and responsibly at all times, upholding the integrity of the massage profession.

Her techniques include deep tissue, trigger point techniques, myo-fascial release, neuro-muscular therapy, pin and stretch, and frictions such as cross fiber. Elena is a Clover Park Technical College graduate, and has been practicing at Pacific Muscular Therapy since 2000. She specializes in soft tissue related injury treatment resulting from car accidents, to on the job injuries, to chronic conditions such as repetetive strain injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome. Elena is a Certified Pre-Natal Massage Therapist.


Luda Petrovskaya, LMP

bio coming soon! Luda is a Certified Pre-Natal Massage Therapist.
